Global Happiness


by Paul VanRaden



How are you world? Heard you were blue

Have you been harmed? Who would hurt you?

Humans were sad, but they had no excuse

How to be happy? Here is a clue

Have you been told of this wonderful plan

The highest of goals, the sum over man?

Youngsters and mothers, aliens too

Do unto others as they should to you


Measure earth's happiness, treasure her sum

Make sure earth has enuf, for everyone

Smiles for the masses, miles of pure fun

Laughter to the rafters, pleasure by the ton


Make sure we have, a heavenly time

No telling how tall our total could climb

Make sure we have, a heavenly climb

No rush to run up the rungs, we have time


His, hers, mine, yours

Increase the total, including your own

His plus hers plus mine plus yours

Think of the total, instead of your own

Multiplication makes the sum grow

Lots of locations creation can go

Add to earth’s total, subtract what is owed

Maximize happiness over this globe


Measure earth's happiness, treasure her sum

Make sure earth has enuf, for everyone

Smiles for the masses, miles of pure fun

Laughter to the rafters, pleasure by the ton


Make sure we have, a heavenly time

No telling how tall our total could climb

Make sure we have, a heavenly climb

No rush to run up the rungs, we have time




From chapter 4 of the book The Right To Migrate, by Paul VanRaden